Meet Dip’Ems: Why You Need to Try Our New Fruit Snack Now

Meet Dip’Ems Fruit Snacks, a new DeeBee’s Organics snacking experience! 

Upgrade your fruit-snack game today with our newest addition to our product family, bursting with certified organic fruit and juicy flavors you’ll love. Ready to learn more?

What are Dip’Ems Fruit Snacks?

Pairing a fruit stick with delicious dipping powder, DeeBee’s Organics Dip’Ems are a better-for-you version of a beloved treat. To best enjoy Dip’Ems, use the dotted tear tabs to open your pouch, dip the fruit stick in the powder, lick, and repeat! We recommend savoring your fruit stick until the end to enjoy once all the dippin’ is done. 

Dip’Ems Fruit Snacks make a great on-the-go treat that can be enjoyed at school, in the car, or at home for a moment of fun with friends and family. They also come in three super-fruity flavors that we can’t get enough of—Strawberry Lemon, Raspberry Lime, and Tropical!

What Makes Dip’Ems Different from Other Fruit Snacks?

So why does everyone reach for Dip’Ems instead of other fruit snacks, aside from its super-fruity deliciousness? 

  • Organic fruit is the main ingredient: Just like our other products, Dip’Ems Fruit Snacks are proudly certified organic by the USDA as well as Non-GMO Project verified. This really sets us apart from others on the shelf!
  • No cane sugar: We love the sweetness of real fruit. Dip’Ems are responsibly sweetened, which means that it is free from added cane sugar as well as artificial sweeteners. 
  • No artificial colors or dyes: We use the power of real fruit to naturally color our delicious organic fruit powder and dippable fruit stick! 
  • Top 9 allergen free, vegan, and gluten-free: At DeeBee’s, we want everyone to enjoy our products. Dip’Ems can be enjoyed by those with common allergies and dietary restrictions. (Psst: this makes them perfect for school lunches!)

Where to Buy Dip'Ems Fruit Snacks 

Ready to get in on the fun? You can shop our DeeBee's Organics Dip'Ems Fruit Snacks right here on our website. You can also find us on and Thrive Market.

Over the next few months, don’t forget to visit our store locator here to find out where you can buy Dip’Ems at a grocery store near you. If you’re finding it difficult to find us, don’t forget to request us at your preferred retailer here so we can be there soon!