Parenthood Made Real: An Interview with DeeBees Moms

Happy Mother’s Day! 

Every May, families in North America express thankfulness for the mothers and maternal figures in their lives. This year, we’d like to do the same by sharing the knowledge of our own DeeBee’s moms with you! Keep reading to hear all about the powerhouse mothers on our team. 

An Authentic Interview with Team DeeBee's Moms

To celebrate Mother's Day, we sat down with eight of the incredible mothers on our team to discuss parenthood and their real, unfiltered feelings around becoming mothers. We learned a lot! Without further ado, we hope you love this sincere interview with our Team DeeBee’s moms, and find their thoughts and insights as moving as we do.  

What is your most favorite memory of spending time with your child? 

One Easter, after a day full of treats and other exciting things, my daughter had a small fever and just crashed, laying on me. She was probably 5 and just growing out of snuggling, but whenever she is sick she just collapses into me. While my heart breaks for her feeling poorly, I secretly love the snuggles. - Lisa, Chief Innovation Officer

Kids in general are very entertaining, haha! I love all my memories of watching them interact with the world as toddlers, getting a chuckle when I embarrassed them as teens, and now since they are adults, I love just being really good friends and a confidant with them (it's hard to embarrass them now!) - Dacy, Project Manager 

My favorite memories are always those where it's just me and my child, without any plans or distractions, playing, preparing meals together, sharing stories of our day at school/work and just being so silly together - Cherlene, FP&A and Business Partnering

We have been going backwoods camping together since my daughter  was 2. My favorite memories are of us catching frogs and tadpoles together, swimming in cold rivers on sunny days, and the way we both instantly get happier as soon as our car hits a dirt road. - Becky, Executive VP of Brand and Commercialization  



How did you feel, honestly, when you realized for the first time that you were now a mother?

I felt super nervous and overwhelmed. I kept receiving advice from other moms, sometimes unsolicited, and I would always find myself comparing what I did as a mom to other moms until I realized that there really is no “one-size fits all” approach to motherhood! - Myra, Business Intelligence Manager  

I felt terrified to be honest, but then I began to feel so lucky! - Priscilla, National Account Manager 

You don't realize how much that tiny person (whether 7.2 lbs, or 10.6 lbs) can make you feel when you hold them the first time. It was absolutely magical. - Dacy

Honestly, my child was a surprise for us! I was worried and nervous, as I was in the midst of a great adventure which I had been planning for a long time, and I felt I was not ready to actually be a good parent. - Cherlene



What is the most difficult part of parenthood for you?

It's much harder than I ever thought it was going to be. It's physical, mental, and everything in between! We all want to raise children who have great values, and I worry that instilling these will get lost in the day to day busy-ness of getting them out the door, cleaning up their toys, and getting ready for bed. - Ashley, Chief Financial Officer 

Mommy guilt can be really hard. - Veronica, Canadian Sales Manager 

The most difficult part of parenthood to me is to shed the weight of past stigma imposed by my own upbringing. It's essential (but also difficult!) to not project my own expectations onto my child, giving them the space to stumble, make mistakes, and ultimately learn. - Cherlene

Doing it mostly solo. - Becky



What part of parenthood do you look forward to experiencing the most?

Seeing my two kids have full conversations with each other! - Priscilla

Teenage years. I know that sounds absolutely crazy. But I love teenagers. - Becky

I look forward to when they are a little more independent and we can do things together - ride bikes, go skiing, have a civilized dinner out to name a few.  We are not there yet, but at the same time I know I will miss these magical years when they are young. I am trying to savor every moment! - Ashley

Seeing my kids all grown up, and really paving their own path in life really excites me - Veronica



Now that you are a parent, has it made you appreciate your parents more?

Um, a ton – especially as my kids start talking back, having puberty drama, etc. Jeesh. Thanks mom! - Lisa

As a parent, I appreciate both the patience and understanding that my own parents demonstrated. They are also extremely accepting and supportive of my goals, always. - Cherlene

I find I just have begun to hold more appreciation for all the little things they did for me! - Veronica 

Amazing grandparents, who really show up in every possible way, are the biggest gift. Both to parents like me, and kids! - Becky 



What values do you hope to instill in your children the most?

Respect, kindness, and honesty. - Myra

Empathy, a sense of deep curiosity, and gratitude. - Becky

Kindness, hard work, and presence. - Lisa

Humility, self-worth, and an adventurous spirit. - Cherlene



If you could give your past self 1 piece of advice right before becoming a mother, what would it be?

To let others help - it really doesn't take away from me being a good mom or parent by accepting someone's help. - Priscilla 

To nurture my relationship with my husband, their dad. The early days with twins are so all-consuming that even having leisurely conversations were a thing of the past. When our daughters were finally old enough to allow us to go on dates and spend time together, I was like “Oh wow – this is really fun! We should do this more often.” - Lisa

I’d tell myself that motherhood is really an amazing opportunity to both lean into your instincts, and also notice your own conditioning. - Becky

Sleep more, lol! - Veronica